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How much term life insurance do you need?
For many people life insurance can be complicated and intimidating. Where to get it, what type and how much life insurance do I need, what does it cost and how long do I need it for, or how unpleasant it is to think about death are just a few questions and concerns that goes through our clients’ heads but rest assured you have come to the right place and we will do the best job we can possibly do to find something that works for you and to make sure you are making an educated and informed financial decision.

At Khatter Financial as part of our responsibility as your advisor, we would love to offer you a no obligation life insurance quote to give you an idea of cost.
Can we run one for you? When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance needs? Would your demise change anyone else’s financial stability? Have you thought about how you can financially protect your family, loved ones and beneficiaries in the event that something should happen to you? Would your spouse and children be able to maintain their standard of living if you should pass away? Do you have health issues that may affect your eligibility for life insurance? You need replacement of income as this is why term life insurance is essential and we would love to have a conversation with you.   Please fill out this quick quote below and we will send you a copy of your results. We can do a fast calculation over the phone at 1-800-975-2863.
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You may also include your spouse or overall household income. Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
Selected Value: 0
Or your spouse. Call us at 1-800-975-2863. Slide the scale from 1 to 30 years timeframe.
This could be just for you or your overall total household/ family expenses. Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
This could be just for you or your overall total household. This would include mortgage, student loans, credit card, medical etc. Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
How much are you comfortable spending each month/ year on life insurance? Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
Savings and investment accounts such as 401k, IRA etc. Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
Date of Birth
Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
I am Married
Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
I have children under 18 living at home
Have you thought about education expenses for your kids if something were to happen to you? Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
I have someone who is dependent on the income that I or my spouse are bringing in?
Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
This is where we will send you a copy of your results. Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
Or call us at 1-800-975-2863.
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